This three-DVD set covers research-based perspectives on infant/toddler development, curriculum, and care.
Disc One emphasizes the importance of relationships, including family, the infant care teacher, and program leader. It includes video clips on how infants and toddlers engage the world and best principles for teaching and caring for young children.
Disc Two covers the emotional foundations of learning, the curriculum-planning process, and documentation. It also includes video clips on Emotional Foundations of Learning (Emotions Drive Early Learning; A Child’s Most Compelling Interest; Being Held in Another’s Mind; and The Creation of Shared Meaning), and the Curriculum-Planning Process (Six Essential Policies; the Curriculum-Planning Process), and Documentation.
Disc Three covers Stages and Individuality, the Four Areas of Infant Learning, and Planning a Child’s Next Day. It includes video clips covering the four domains of learning and development (Physical, Social, Language, and Intellectual), the Nine Temperament Traits, and the Curriculum-Planning Process.
Running times:
Disc 1: 1 hr., 11 min.
Disc 2: 55 min.
Disc 3: 1 hr., 4 min.